Sunday, July 5, 2009

M-Commerce & E-Commerce: Trends and Developments

Trends and developments taking place in the worldwide m-commerce and c-commerce sectors (
- By 2012 it is expected that more than 1 trillion will be spent online by B2C consumers. B2B spending will exceed this considerably.
- E-payment solutions are an important part of e-commerce transactions; however security issues continue to tarnish the industry.
- Asia Pacific leads the world in terms of using mobile phones for m-payments, accounting for around 85% of customers worldwide.
- BuddeComm estimates revenue from mobile content and services (excluding SMS), accounts for around 7-10% of total mobile revenues worldwide. SMS remains popular and accounts for a further 10% of total mobile data revenues..
- Online advertising growth is set to continue for the next few years, but will slow slightly in the wake of the US financial crisis. It is expected that online advertising will eventually account for around 20% of all advertising spend in some markets.
- Search services are central to almost everything that users do online, and this places leading search companies such as Google and Yahoo at an advantage. In the emerging Chinese market, Baidu and Alibaba also have a good foothold.
- Google is still the most popular website property worldwide; however individual countries and regions show unique differences with many local sites remaining popular. Other web properties proving popular across multiple markets include Yahoo, Microsoft and Wikipedia sites, Apple Inc, eBay and Amazon.

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