Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Demystifying Twitter (Part II):Usage Charecterestics

Contd from earlier post http://technologyandtelecom.blogspot.com/2009/06/demystifying-twitter-one-way-one-to.html

Activity levels of Twitter Users
Data collected from Twitter Grader (4.5 million users) has some interesting inferences that need to be taken note of:
1. 79.79% users failed to provide a homepage URL
2.75.86% of users have not entered a bio in their profile
3.68.68% have not specified a location
4.55.50% of suers donot follow anyone
5.54.88% have never tweeted
6.52.71% have no followers

9.06% of all Twitter users are inactive (less than 10 followers, 10 friends,10 updates). Of the ones, who are thus classified to be active, and have a bio, loaction, hompage URL:

1. Average user tweets .97 times a day
2. An average user has tweeted 119.34 times in total
3. The average user has a following to follower raio of .7738

In terms of content of tweets:
1.1.44% of all tweets are retweets
2.37.95% of all tweets contain an @ symbol (mentions)
3.33.44% of all tweets start with an @ symbol (replies)

Most users stretch the 140 character limit to the max in an attempt to get as much content as possible into every update.The distribution of postings over days and times of day shows us that business hours during the business week in the US are the most popular.

The maximum concentration of Twitter use is in US, followed by Canada and UK. Australia is the next in the list.

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