Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Twitter's integration in mainstream broadcast media

March U.S. comScore Media Metrix data shows that the number of visitors to jumped 131% in March to 9.3 million visitors! That’s 5 million more visitors than in February – a pretty astounding figure if you think about it. The chart below illustrates just how dramatic a jump it was: It appears that the recent growth in Twitter is partly fuelled by the attention it is getting from mainstream media. Twitter has now beome an active tool for news dissemination by the mainstream broadcasting mediums. A typical newscast is not "complete" without the integration of Twitter and mention of it. The latest and best example of Twitter usage as a primary media vehicle is Newst Gingrich's criticism of Barrack Obama's ressponse to the Somali pirate stand off. News broadcasters like CNN’s Rick Sanchez have actually incorporated Twitter into their live broadcasts, and it seems like just about every other journo these days has a presence on Twitter. Like it or not, Twitter is quickly revolutionizing the way our entire news ecosystem operates, from journalist to consumer, and blurring the lines in between.

That, the user profile is ideally suited for news cross connects is a boon for Twitter. A separate study shows a high incidence of new sites cross visits by Twitter users suggesting a strong relation between Twitter users and news consumption.

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