Thursday, April 30, 2009
A $100 billion brand
In an year, where the overall value of the the top 100 brands had grown by 2% Google grew 16%. It's worth is 25% more than the worth of its second competitor, Microsoft! Coke,McDonalds, IBM, Apple, China Mobile, General Electric, Vodafone and Marlboro complete the top 10 list. This is the third year in a year when Goolge has secured the Tops in Millard Brown's Brandz 100!
Technology companies make the bulk of the the top 10, with Google (no 1), Microsoft (no 2), IBM (no 4), Apple (no 6), China Mobile (no 7) and Vodafone (no 9)! Handset manufacturer Nokia slips out of the top 10 with Vodafone replacing it as the most valauble European brand. Blackberry has seen a fantastic 100% jump in its brand value over the year.
It has been a good year for fast-food, cigarette and alcohol brands, as consumers suffering from so-called "recession depression" appear to have sought quick pick-me-ups.
McDonald's recorded a 34 per cent increase in brand value, year on year, followed by Marlboro (33%), Budweiser (23%) and Johnnie Walker (42%) The most valuable category was mobile telephone operators; its value grew 28 per cent year on year. This was followed by soft drinks and coffee.
Millward Brown chief executive Joanna Seddon said: "In the current environment, brand has become even more important because it can help to sustain companies in tough times. "Those who continue to invest in their brand will be better positioned for business growth as the economic situation starts to improve than those who have cut spend. The recession does not always harm individual brands as much as it does faceless corporations," she added.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Is India ready for MVNOs?
A few months back, Sunil Bharti Mittal (CMD, Bharti - Airtel) went on record saying that the MVNO model will not find many takers in India (read report). The idea was that with the kinds of tarriffs prevalent in India, MVNOs will not be able to sustain business and be profitable. The fact that Virgin Mobile's foray into MVNO platform has not been as hugely successful bears this statement for the timebeing. But in a long term basis, can MVNOs be ruled out of the country?
A study of 16 countries where MVNOs have been operating for a few years now, conducted by Diamond, a global management consulting firm has some interesting pointers in terms of emergence of the MVNO business models in India.
1. The threshold mobile penetration levels (for the emergence of MVNOs) in these markets are around 40%! --> Markets typically disply a level of mobile penetration above 40% at the time of launh of the first MVNO.
2. Higher levels of industry wide consolidations favour the launch of MVNOs.
3. Less competitive markets (high levels of dissatisfaction amongst consumers) favour MVNOs (because they cater to new customers and innovative solutions).
India with its fastest growing telecom subsribers status is typically a mash of various degrees of penetration. On one end, the A category circles have 70 - 80% penetration ratios and on the other end, C category circles are at 15 - 20% penetration status. Thus India is to be seen a collection of 23 separate markets instead of a single homogenous market when assessing the opportunity for MVNOs. The Cat A and B circles are over ripe for MVNOs and there are states, where the MVNO business would not be as effective given low penetration levels. Also the tarriffs are getting rapidly commoditized and if its were not for the consolidation, these tarriff would be close to unprofitable! Number portability could rapidly increase churn in the eco-system, unsettling the top rug high ARPU consumer bases with the existing operators.
Within these set of circumstances, there may exist an opportunity to serve users better or serve a high profit niche segment. With the penetration levels at 32% nationally and tarriffs touching lows, the MVNO route may be a key differentiator and an access to higher premiums. One needs to be define MVNO at this time. A re-selling, re-branded plain vanilla will not be attractive to users. In the case of Virgin, it has done some excellent work in associating itself with a category of customers. However, its proposition is based on cost which by itself is not the best way to differentiate especially if you are re-selling airtime.
Thus it is important, that the MVNA and MVNE route is taken to differentiate oneself in this market! Healthcare sector is one lucrative idea for MVNA/E, so is department of posts and telegraph, railways, banking etc. There is a need and necessity for including this diversity into the existing eco system. This would constitute differentiated service to consumers for which they would be ready to pay premiums. A focussed attempt centred around the metros and high penetration areas can also keep costs under control and if the collaboration within the players in the eco system is good, can lead to high profit businesses.
Should we reconsider the model once more, Mr Mittal?
The third part of The advent of MVNOs will deal with the legal challenges of establishing this business in India.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Calculating your Social Media Initiative's Payback
Presenting the pointers to calculating the efficiency of marketing initiatives in social media:
1. Start from the objective. The more precise and focussed defination of the question, the better is the probability of a meaningful answer.
2. Identify ways to measure your objective/put metrics
3. A prior measurement of scores in the metrics sets the base
4. Identify gaps between your objective metric scores and the base scores.
5. Set time bound targets on the Gaps
6. Identify the investments you are willing to put in targets and gaps
7. Execution of the plan
8. Against the investments that have been put, the %age increase/decrease of your metrics against your targets will give you the efficacy of the programme.
Since we are talking social media initiatives, the metrics can be chosen from the list:
Views/hits; Followers/Subscribers; Comments/Blogs/Tweets/Board Posts; Tonality; Frequency; Sales; Inbound Links; Engagement Metrics; Visibility/Credibility; Inbound Links; Profile visibility @ SEO; Referrals and others.
There is another part that cannot be measured: Cross Referencing of the suite of products/services through Social Media (i.e influence of social media on perception of the brand when you seem to be only talking about the product/solution/platform.)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Is Social media/networking a marketing hyperbole?
Yet, i sense a bubble of social media/networking all around. It is the next biggest thing in marketing. Someway, i have begun to think that from a marketing perspective, if you dont have social media in your portfolio you are "uncool". Social media experts are mushrooming all over and there are more "social media" bloggers and experts than any other subject (i dont confirm this statement!!) With the rise in Facebook and Twitter and such others, these mediums have become the cynosure of marketing and brand experts. Now everyone wants to have an internet presence/ Facebook profile/ Social Media leg to their marketing campaigns. The efficacy of this idea/thought is questionable.
The central thought when a user is logged into a social networking site is to talk/ bond/ network with his kind of people or friends. A product advertisement/banner/ pop up is seen more as an intrusion into the users time. I may not have the statistics, but i have a hunch that these ads are mostly "skipped" or "closed" or "ignored" by the user. There is a moment of truth, when the user may eye the contents for a brief second, but that happens rarely. Especially in India, where the internet speeds are low, an ad frame that takes time to load and hence impedes the user from doing what he is doing is generally dismissed straightaway.
For a marketing campaign, its cool to have a Facebook user profile and a "fan" following. Except that a large percentage (again unratified) of such profiles are not refreshed for weeks and months and are only used as a platform to "advertise", not "engage". A leading marketeer in India has a Facebook profile of its most important gaming service with 46 fans for about 8/9 month now. This platform has a host, but there is no dialogue and no discussion except version release circulars. It doesnot cost a penny to put a Facebook profile up. However, all this without consistency of engagement is a waste.
Similarly, a particular product based company (i know of) believes in 15% allotment of its budget to digital media. Most often digital media is less understood by its marketing folks who judiciously use the money in the banner ads and in page ads, the success rate of which is about 5%! Thats 95% waste, which could have been used better elsewhere. In the company being spoken about, this 95% is seen as an investment (the fruits of which would be borne later).
A recent discussion on Linkedin, featured someone asking for "best ways in Social media/networking to market a consumer product to xyz profile...". Well, for a start social media/ networking doesnot "Market", it only generates "Awareness" and can be used to enagage customers in a "Dialogue". The dialogue also is necessarily not required to be product led... instead it ought to be the platform that the product hopes to provide a solution to. It is a communication media and not an advertising media. Users differentiate between communication and advertising very sharply. An enagaging conversation is one thing, an advertisement is another. One has a lot of credibility and the other has none.
It is important that marketers need to now understand the virtues of marketing beyond advertising and sales is to listen, engage, hear and discuss with the consumers. Social Media has a role in marketing and organization strategy. It has to be treated more fairly than just another media and advertisement vehicle.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Nokia: Trending upwards
The news that sparked a Wall Street rally on Nokia's stock was the company's prediction that the decline in the first two quarters this year would be worse than in the second half of the year. What's more, the company is targeting an increase in market share for the year.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Twitter's integration in mainstream broadcast media
That, the user profile is ideally suited for news cross connects is a boon for Twitter. A separate study shows a high incidence of new sites cross visits by Twitter users suggesting a strong relation between Twitter users and news consumption.
The advent of mobile point of sales transactions
A significant development in this context was achioeved by the credit card major, VISA who have enabled the first mobile payment for a Point of Sale transaction, thus enabling the consumer to purchase an NFC enabled mobile device of the shelf and use that device to make the VISA pay wave enabled transaction at the point of sale instead of using their credit cards.This service waas launched in Malaysia early April 2009. Maxis Malaysia, Nokia, Maybank have collborated with VISA to offer its pay wave services on mobile devices. Initially this service is enabled in the Nokia 6212 handset and 1800 outlets in Malaysia.
The contactless chip embedded in the device will also power a number of additional functions, including a contactless transit application that enables Malaysian commuters to pay for charges while using metropolitan transit systems, bus terminals, highway toll gates and car park facilities at more than 3,000 contactless payment touch points throughout Malaysia. Maxis has branded these mobile payment services under the name Maxis FastTap.
Momentum for Visa Mobile Payments Continues to Grow
Visa is driving the convergence of two of the world’s most ubiquitous consumer products, 1.7 billion Visa cards and 4 billion mobile phones, by bringing its expertise in payments to the mobile industry. Over the last two years, Visa has worked closely with mobile network operators, handset manufacturers and financial institutions, merchants and technology provider to develop and commercialize mobile payments and related services. Recent Visa mobile payment activities include:
Visa announced last week that it is extending mobile payments to Singapore in partnership with Citibank Singapore Limited and MobileOne (M1). The Citi M1 Visa payWave payment trial on mobile devices marks the first program in Singapore where a mobile device will be used for payments at the point-of-sale. More than 750 merchant locations across Singapore are participating in the three-month pilot, which begins in May 2009. Up to 300 selected Citi M1 Visa Platinum account holders will be invited to join. Participating account holders will be provided a Nokia 6212 classic, the same NFC-enabled handset used in the commercial launch in Malaysia. Participating Citi M1 Visa Platinum account holders will be able to purchase an item at a Visa payWave merchant in Singapore simply by waving the mobile phone in front of a contactless reader at the point of sale.
In Canada, Visa, RBC, and Rogers Wireless have come together for the next phase of a mobile payment pilot, which will ultimately allow Canadians the flexibility to make purchases securely at the point of sale with a wave of their mobile phone. Designed to be a fast and convenient way for customers to pay for small purchases, pilot participants will be issued specially-equipped mobile phones that can simply be waved at Visa payWave-enabled checkout readers at select retail stores and quick-service restaurants in Toronto’s downtown core.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Study: The advent of MVNOs ( Part I)
The schematic given above is a representation of the US MVNO markets.
The earliest MVNO in the US market was Virgin Mobile and Qwest, who had their processes and platforms to complement the MNO network. They did this by either purchasing platforms or operating them in-house or through dedicated partnerships. At the next level with multiplication in MVNOs, the market started migrating to parties who could provide relevant BSS/OSS processes and platforms.These service providers whose core competence was the platform and they build the mobile services around this platform are referred to as the Mobile Virtual Network Enablers (MVNEs).
With increase in Market complexity, there emerged a class of Mobile Virtual Network Aggregators who acted as intermediaries between multiple MNOs, handset providers and back end platform providers with the MVNOs. Hence these were the experts in the field who served to reduce risk and time to market and lower the risk profile of launching an MVNO.
In saturated and high mobility markets, with excess capacity, MNOs have a choice of acquiring retaail consumers to fill up the network or filling up the network on whole-sale basis to a MVNO reseller, or a combination of both. The decision should/is influenced by the idea of maximizing Average Margin per Minute (AMPM). The AMPM is determined by factors such as
1. Price charged per minute
2.Subscriber cquisition costs
3. Costs of serving a customer (Cash Cost per user CCPU). The CCPU depends upon network related costs and other non network related costs.
As the markets mature, the AMPM shrinks due to increasing price competition, increasing acquisition costs, increasing costs of providing servicing and support and other factors such as change in mix of services, loss in share of high margin services etc. In such situations, the MNOs may find that AMPM asociated with wholesale minutes is higher than their averages. In addition to that, there could be niche, smaller markets, where the MNO may consider an investement to be unviable (given its operations). MVNOs could be used to address those specific niche markets and consumer segments.
Highly penetrated markets with limited competition between mobile network operators may lead to a situation where some customer segments are likely to be "underserved" in specific aspects of mbile experience. The dissatisfaction could come from either poorly tailored products and services or other brand intangibles. This is a classic case of short comings of the "One Size Fits all" strategy --> MNOs have scale benefits and lower operating costs but miss out on the Customer satisfaction bit.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Considerations for user-interface design on Mobiles and Hand helds
1. Know your customer first: The first aspect of any UI is in terms of who is using it and for what purpose. This is critical in terms of adding the value add ons to the UI. Normally, a lot of back end research goes to zero down on users and usages. The UI then has to be customized for the particular user profile. For example: Gaming and Music can be supported on the same software versions (e.g S 60 for Nokia), but the UI has to be customized for a gaming freak versus a music listener.
2. Top Down in design: The UI design and development should begin from the fully loaded version instead of the base version. The functions and apps should be in a modular format, which can be removed from the fully loaded version to lighten it up for lower versions.
Examples of Modular formats: SMS + voice module, FM + MP3 Module, MP4 + Video Player module, Music Module(supports all music formats), Gaming Module, Navigation Module, Internet Browsing, RSS feeds module, Calendars and Organiser module, other apps.
This is also important from device memory and selection of relevant hardware and chipsets perspective.
3. The case for shortcuts--> Content/Context Specificity: If the device is for a particular use, then there should be hotkeys or shortcut keys on the panels or the UI to enable a one click access to the function. Normally phones have one key access to music, camera, internet etc. This establishes and supports the USP by customizing your UI around specific content/context.
4. Screen View: A judicious use of the small screen size is a high priority. Craming it up with too much information could reduce readability. (I have never managed to read those "X" line "how to" menus that keep popping up on the screen). In devices that need to support RSS feeds, it is important to balance the view in terms of visibility/readibility versus blocking out everything else in the background.
5.Scroll Conservation:It is essential that the main menu and the subsequent ones be customized so that the content viewing doesnot require a scroll down! Many users find the act of scrolling down on a menu view to be irritating. It also means that the menu is not sure what they are looking for in the first place and is not able to provide the required info in one screen.
6. Click Conservation: Similarly, the act of many clicks into menus, sub menus, prompts, functions and sub functions etc is avoidable. A few UIs require 6 or more (even 10 in exterem cases) clicks for the user to access a particular point in the system. You are clearly telling the user to sort your mess by navigation his way into your UI. There is no intutiveness and short route to the functions he so desires. It also shows that you dont know what your user is using your device for. A S 60 UI navigation path is 900 rows in lenght and some of these paths are 6 - 10 clicks long. The 900 statistic shows a diffuse focus in terms of device --> customer integration and the 6-10 click path shows UI inability to intuitively map its usage.
7. Intuitive Design: The intuitiveness of design is probably culture/ language/ region dependent. However there is a strong case of integrating user requirements with the UI and hardware of the device. (e.g: After a call to a new number, imagine one click "Save" option to "add to contacts". On the other hand, imagine the path Options--> save as --> add to contacts. That is "one click" too many).
8. Energy Saving Options: Screens such as QVGA and TFT can be harsh on power. A UI should be able to switch off / stand by to save on power drainage when not in use for "x" minutes. Similarly, it should be able to close the apps which are open and are not being used in favour of conserving battery life.
9. Touch: A touch based UI needs to allow room for the "touch". (That in fact necessitates 3 inch screens to accomodate for the fingers). The idea is not to cramp the screen with multitude of options and less space making the touch experience a very tedious one.
These are a few generic principles to be kept in mind in UI designing for Handheld devices and mobiles. The ultimate objective is to make the browsing and navigation experience on the device to be a "Wow".
Thursday, April 9, 2009
LTE, WiMAX: Co-Existance versus Winning
Sony Betamax and VHS were also involved in a war of video format technology standards in 1970s and 80s, which was eventually won by VHS setting the technology standard.
The Finnish company is betting the 4G wireless standard LTE - Long Term Evolution - will dominate the mobile world by 2015 and WiMax will be the big loser.Nokia’s claim is the first in an open forum and comes after the Finnish Phone maker has had stakes in both the technologies. Nokia went as far as developing the first prototype of WiMAX based internet tablets, which were subsequently never put to production. The telecommunication industry is increasingly getting fragmented into the LTE and the WiMAX camps.
While I have covered WiMAX and LTE in a few other blog posts as well, I fail to see why one technology must beat the other in the future technology perspective. Both technologies may be fulfilling the same objective of high speed data carriers, but the technologies per se are based on very different platforms. LTE with its greater carpet area will allow users to access high speed data from a bigger geography. It has an able back up in terms of the 3G/2G network. If there is a hole in the LTE, users will tend to fall back on the 3G/2G backbones, there by not breaking the connection. The ability to leverage on the 3G/UMTS infrastructure decreases the initial costs.
WiMAX on the other hand, depends on line of sight which limits the geographical spread. However, it’s enhanced features such as security and multi-bands make it a huge bet in the enterprise segment. It will essentially replace WiFi as the office standard. Being a high value segment, the profitability of WiMAX could be expected to be higher that LTE. From the consumer perspective, WiMAX has a low operating cost, reducing the per unit cost. However, unlike the LTE, WiMAX has a high initial cost of infrastructure installation.
On the whole, while 80% of the telecom footprint will be LTE, WiMAX’s 20% will be more profitable and versatile. LTE on the other hand will be mostly voice/data based services.
I guess, we will have to wait and watch how this space develops. It will be only good for the consumers if both technologies are allowed to take their own course to offer the best of 4G technologies to the consumer. The future ought to be decided by the consumer more than anyone else.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Twitter's first step at monetization of social networks
Twitter's first attempt to monetize its huge and unique base of tweets is an interesting one in terms of the effort being a coordinated one between itself, Microsoft and Federated Media. Essentially the idea is to collate the tweets of business executives and other insightfull and business related tweets for interested people to follow. In essence it is following the top business executives on Twitter. It is called . The website is essentially a collection of tweets from top business heads on Twitter like Virgin’s Richard Branson, eBay’s Pierre Omidyar, Digg’s Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose, Twitter’s own Evan William and yes, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg amongst a whole others.
The partners are fairly interesting in the terms of background competencies. While Twitter, champions conversational media, Federated Media is versatile in the conversational mode of advertising and Microsoft is one of the largest users of online advertising. Thus the Twitter promoted website may be an online branding/advertising solution for Microsoft. The neat part is that Microsoft is able to address its cream audience: the business executives through this venture. Twitter would in the back end have a revenue arrangement with Microsoft, though the details are missing at this point of time.
Business heads who want to get into, as a branding opportunity, need to follow@exectweets and the team at exectweets would decide whether to add the twitter stream to their website or not.
Thus this is a convergence of social media vehicle with a very precise audience and a large marketeer. One interesting alliance and effort to follow up.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Microsoft:"Apple" Scare
The swipe at Apple may look like a reaction to losses registered in numbers of Windows users who have switched away from cheap PCs to Macs, and tiny losses in market share to Mac! However, it has more to do with other aspects in which Microsoft and Apple compete in the world markets. The ad is probably a reaction to the following that Apple has been trouncing Microsoft at:
1. The Music Space (with iTunes and iPods)
2. The Smartphone space
3. The Apps store space
4. Apple's positioning campaign redefining PCs and Macs and adding the "cool" quotient. (View here)
It starts in the Music space, where Zune (Microsoft's answer to the iPod) has made no headway in gaining market share from the iPod. Zune features down in the matching the "sexy" iPod looks and iPod trounces it when it is combined with the iTunes. (Read the comparison here)
Microsoft's famous forbearance "errors" plagues it in the smartphone space as well. When Apple announced the iPhone in January 2007, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer infamously dismissed the iPhone as too expensive. to quote Steve Ballmer in the April 2007, USA Today interview, "“There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share”. “No chance. It's a $500 subsidized item. They may make a lot of money. But if you actually take a look at the 1.3 billion phones that get sold, I'd prefer to have our software in 60 percent or 70 percent or 80 percent of them, than I would to have 2 percent or 3 percent, which is what Apple might get."As it has turned out in the 2 years since, Apple has come from 0 to 10.4% in smartphone OS space, where as Microsoft has been at the 11.8 - 12.4% for sometime now. Covered in a previous blog:
To complement its smartphone growth and popularity, Apple already has the first and currently most popular (and "profitable"???) business in distribution of applications world over. This is something that Microsoft has not ventured in though one may have expected it to be a pioneer in this field given its technology advantage.
Apart from stiff competition, the popularity of the iPhone presents another problem for Microsoft: like the iPod, it’s introducing Apple technology to millions of Windows users. Among the factors in the rise in the Mac’s market share, the iPod “halo effect” cannot just be ruled out. Positioning oneself as a cool technology provider versus, Microsoft's "straight jacketed, pin robbed, stiff and official" is where Apple is also making astatement with consumers. In face of that, "Lauren" could get nastier at taking swipes at Apple! Steve Balmer is already at it talking tough about overpriced Macs! (So he’s exploiting the bad economy with an ad like “Lauren” to depict Macs as an impractical choice. )
Cost advantage may be good speaking point in these recessionary times, but with Apple's kind of brand equity building up steadily, one wonders if Microsoft is really the cocky confident it once was.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Providing better mobile browing experience
One of my earlier posts covered the proliferation of mobile devices as the window to internet to an increasing number of people around the world.
This covered the stats and the emerging trends in mobile internet. As a mobile internet user, my experience with mobiles has been very frequent although the quality of experience is certainly not the best. Data transfer speeds in India are not all that great and 3G is still some way off. However, one other aspect where i face a problem in terms of usage experience of mobile internet, is page loading. This has to do with cookies, frames and other technical aspects which in general make a broadband experience great but a mobile experience relatively weak. Certain sections of pages dont load and this is especially true for commercial/business driven/business sites. Try booking a train/flight ticket from your mobile to experience the problems and hitches.
The question that i had posed to an open group of experts/commentators of Web 2.0 (a Linkedin group) was: How can websites be customized for a better mobile device based browsing experience?
I had a fairly wide range of answers, which i am documenting in this blog post in the form of views. It is necessary to realise that these views may not be mutually exclusive thoughts, in fact, they are quite inter-related to each other at various parts of the delivery chain.
1. View 1: The most popular answer (referred by Lee Curtis / George Lehman /Rachin Kapoor) that emerged from a web developers perspective was the use of CSS styled xHTML, a tool that semantically describes presentation lay outs separately from the content. CSS is useful in presenting the fully loaded site on a lap top/desk top, where as the HTML presents a small aand effective, quick loading and light mechanism for mobile phones. Thus the accessibility features are customised according to the screen and the device and streamlines site indexing more effectively.
(View 1 extended by Kabari Hendrick/ Nial Kennedy) While websites use the CSS/xHTML tools, user agent determination techniques travel from the cloud/net to the access window and determine the agent and direct the CSS/xHTML for suitability of the download (in terms of Lite or Heavy). This happens within a very short interval and doesnot extend the download time significantly.
2. View 2: While view 1, is about back end web site compatibility with device, the second view (by Andy Foote and Vincent Graux), is about how hardware evolution is taking care of the fundamental resstiction of a small screen, by creating larger and richer interfaces. The case in point being netbooks, which were born out of the fusion of browsing experience and mobility.
The analogy here is creation of a bridge across a chasm. One side (devices) is starting to build smaller and mobility centric devices to bridge the chasm. The other side (website / internet / programming) is trying to do the same by customizing the presentation formats on the websites.
View 3: While the earlier views were hardware and software based, this view, forwarded by Jim Vezina , Poorna Kedar and Gianluiggi Cuccureddu is business focussed and thus the most relevant. This advocates, the understanding of web traffic i.e the reason why people would visit some website. Thus having identified the raison d' etre of the website, the experience has to be tailored. For example a website, which is e-commerce led, should see to it that the payment portals are easy to load and secure and provide the relevant user experience without getting into elaborate frames and pages etc as far as a mobile experience is concerned. A lap top experience can be the full monty as it is. A mailing site, needs to see to it that the mobile experience includes written text content provided to the user without too many buttons, frames and others. A social networking site probably needs to go a little bit more in terms of pictures and videos and nothing else. This can be done through the standard View 1 and View 2 tools as described earlier. Or further yet, if required, have two different web sites, one for regular users and the other for mobile users if your traffic is so profiled ( Rick Dane)!
Other contributors: John Rodrigues, Dipak Dave, Wallace Jackson