Saturday, March 21, 2009
Operator Dumb Pipe Syndrome
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Twitter"ing away (part III)

"Twitter"ing away (Part II)

VAS: Increasing Penetration and Revenue
Your Q seems to have generated a healthy round of discussion and here is my take adding to the muddle
I come from a Marketing related view guided by two basic tenets
1. Supply and Demand
Music, H/Bollywood, Games, Ringtones, Singtones, Cricket is what most of the VAS revenue is based up on (Currently). There is a healthy demand for this but supply is manifold leading to commoditization. Hence the need for innovation in VAS! (Think Medicine, Think Train Ticketing/ Think Fitness/ keep thinking..)
2. The Age old Construct of the 4Ps.
We have a Product/Service and currently we are trying to push mass usage through Tariff discounting (Pricing Strategy). A few Opinions beforehand have already mentioned Retail Push (Place) and Cross Selling/Up selling and Consumer Education(Promotions). Even more, we have spoken about Profile and Behavioural based Targetting (a very high order mechanism)
My take on the VAS markets in India :
1. We need more stakeholders in the ecosystem. Currently it is only the VAS provider and the Operator. Hence the scope in VAS development and deployment remains limited.
2. The Indian Consumer is averse to Credit Card and Mobile Payments. I am not surprised about VAS ARPU of Rs.25 (as cited by Rahul).
3. We are limited in content.Games + Music + Entertainment form 36% of VAS applications in US. The next 36% is Books, Utilities, Education, Lifestyle, Productivity, Travel, Fitness, Sports etc. Social Networking as VAS content has also been less exploited.
Point 1,2,3 (More Stakeholders, Wider content, Paying Mechanisms) lead me to the end of my argument, which i will elucidate with an example:
How about partnering with VLCC for beauty tips, reserving apointments, reminders etc etc?
How about partnering with Apollo hospitals to provide a range of services on a VAS platform?
Tie ups with Local Gyms to disburse mobile services to its members?
Taxi services and Train/Flight Booking via VAS....
The possibilities are endless if you take the unconventional route to VAS and application monetization.The business model would be a win win win design for the consumer - Telco + VAS - Solution provider.
Would consumers pay? They already do... and a minor addition in terms of taking services mobile will not hurt them if they are hung up on VLCC, Apollo and the likes...
End points:
1. Dont invent new needs and delivery mediums, instead tap the consumer needs at the right places and occasions
2. There is a fundamental need to move away from Telco VAS provider (Duopoly mindset) to a tag along/second fiddle mindset with the solution provider.
Hope this is somewhat leading to the right direction.
"Twitter"ing away (Part I)

- Twitter is being used by News and Broadcating Corporations like BBC, CNN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others.
- The celebrity usage of Twitter is phenomenal. It starts with Barrack Obama's presidential campaign, to Lance Armstrong, Stephen Fry, Britney Spears and loads more.
- It created waves when the Janis Crums twittered the US airways flight 1549 crash at Hudson from his iPhone. (Coverage)
- Twitter was forever on news regarding its $35 million venture capital funding from Institutional Venture Partners and Benchmark Capital. (Read News)
- Tech blogs such as Tech Crunch and social networking blogs such as Mashable heavily tweet through this medium.
- Firsthand Reports from California wildfires poured through Twitter in front of media and news agencies. (read Report)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Daily addiction:Mobile Internet

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Of Wallet Phones and Mobile Payments

Wallet phones are mobile phones equiped to include bank cards, credit cards, house keys, company access control IDs, electronic cash, train tickets and many more functions. Wallet phones in principle can take over all functions which our wallet has.Wallet phones enable mobile operators to enter new industries, especially the payment and credit card industries. For this reason wallet phones represent innovation and disruption for established industries, such as credit cards.
• Global annual gross transaction value will grow over 5 times by 2013
• The ticketing segment will be driven by consumer usage on rail, air and bus networks as well as sports and entertainment events This will represent over 40% of the global transaction value by 2013
• The top 2 regions (Far East and W. Europe) will represent over 60% of the $300bn p.a. global mobile payment gross transaction value by 2013 for digital and physical goods. Western Europe is currently dominated by digital goods and services sold via SMS, whereas the Far East & China region (specifically Japan) is already well established in physical goods sales over the mobile web, and has been for a number of years.
Informa estimates that by 2013 more than 10 percent of all mobiles in use will be NFC- enabled, technology support to receive NFC payment will be common, and these factors should facilitate close to 180 million users to pay restaurant bills, buy tickets, pay toll fees, and buy groceries, apparel and home equipment.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Enter Google Voice

- Automated voicemail transcriptions — Users have the option to receive free transcriptions of all their voicemail messages. These transcriptions are fully automated (i.e. no human listens to the voicemail), and are searchable within your Google Voice inbox.
- SMS messaging — Receive SMS text messages sent to your Google Voice phone number on your mobile device and on the web. Send and reply to text messages directly from your phone or your Google Voice inbox.
- Conference calling — If you’re on the phone and receive an incoming call, you now have the option to merge your calls. Have as many as six people join a single call.
- International calling — Place international calls at reasonable rates from your phone or by using the QuickCall button in your Google Voice inbox. Purchase credit using Google Checkout and pay by-the-minute for international calls.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Profiling Facebook: The Google of Social Networking (Part III)

Here is Paul Monica, (editor in chief of CNN money) critique of Facebook published as "Why i hate Facebook".
Reason 1: It is not always about Networking. There are times when people like to be un-networked.
Reason 2: With 175 million users and growing at 6 million per month, the top line sounds great. But How do you generate meaningful revenue and profits out of such a venture/user base. Popularity @ Freetardonomics is fine, but profits are cooler!
Reason 3: The first 150 million users accrued to the following in the stated number of years.
Telephone: 89 years
Television: 38 years
Cellphone: 14 years
iPod: 7 years
Facebook: 5 years
This rationale has a strong fallacy: Apple sold a product to 150 million consumers, a pretty pricey one at that where as all Facebook has done is to get people signed up for a service: a free one at that. A comment worth a mention in here is "Bill Gates did not become one of the wealthiest men on the planet by giving away operating systems for free!"
Reason 4: Social networking is about easily connecting and communicating with friends. Ads and promos wouldnot mean much to the user who is "blind" to all that the web site offers since he is single mindedly networking. Thus the inherently loose one here is that Social Websites can never be major generators of Ad revenue.
Reason 5: Efforts to tap information about users implicitely can invite legal backlash as it did with the Beacon@Facebook. This furthermore narrows the field for targetting users with relevant marketing stuff.
Reason 6: 2009 and 2010 would possibly be the toughest years in US and marketers will cut costs. Online advertising will slow down from 17,5% in 2008 to 8.9%. Facebook's attempts at Traditional online advertising has failed miserably and revenue from banner ads are small enough to ignore them as incidentals.
There are the examples of AOL and Yahoo who after a brilliant start fizzled out in trying to monetize their offerings on the web. Facebook and its team must now deliver on a telling agenda of monetizing their growth on a difficult wicket of the economic meltdown.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Mobile Operating systems by market share
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mobile Banking: The Future
Guardian Open Platform: The launch
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Storm-controlled Formula One car a hit with Lewis Hamilton
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Smartphone Market Share Update

The iconic Apple iPhone doubled its market share from 5.2% to 10.7%. It sold 4.1 Million iPhone against a 1.9 million number in 4Q, 2007. The buzz around this device is almost unreal, with Operators rooting for it. AT&T (Read Article) has declared iPhone 3G a success after the inroduction of the Iphone served as a catalyst for a shift towards data on its networks. It has reported a 51.2% jump YOY renue from data usage on its networks. For the full year of 2008, iPhone has reported a 245% jump in units shipped (3.3 Million in 2007 and 11.4 Million units in 2008). Canadian based Telco Rogers, has also reported 36% boost to its data revenues because of iPhone in its portfolio. iPhone now contributes 33% to Roger's Smartphone sales. (Read Article)
Boosted by the Blackberry Bold and the Storm, RIM's market shares went from 10.9% in 4Q 2007 to 19.5% in 4Q,2008. It registered a 85% growth in number of units from 4 million in 4Q,2007 to 7.4 million in 4Q,2008. Over the full year, RIM bettered its 11.6 Million sales number in 2007 to 23.1 Million in 2008 (a jump of 97%).
The T-mobile G1, the first Android operating system powered mobile, and the Touch Diamond helped HTC better its sales from 1.3 million (4Q,2007) to 1.6 million(4Q,2008), a jump of 20%.
Samsung's Omnia and its other touchscreen devices have finally led its break through into the top 5, displacing Sharp. Samsung registered a 138% growth in 4Q,2008 over 4Q,2007 taking its Smartphone number from .67 million to 1.6 million!
The looser for a while and this time as well, is Nokia, who has lost 10% market share in smartphones (from50.9% to 40.8%). While it is still the market leader by a mile, Nokia was the only compnay in the top 5 to have registered negative growth of 17% (from 18.7 million in 4Q,2007 to 15.56 million in 4Q,2008). On a year basis, Nokia stagnated and registered .8%growth in a market which grew 13%. Its full year market share reduced from 49.4% (in 2007) to 43.7% (in 2008). The numbers shipped were 60 million in both years.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Harnessing Open Source to power the next level of Business: The Guardian's Open Platform initiative

Hottest Gadgets: The T3 Hot Gadgets countdown
Read the full list here:
Google and the art of maintaining relevance

Keen Observers had spotted what appeared to be the remains of a vast city under the sea, the size of wales on the floor of Atlantic Ocean. Thus the Atlantic Ocean was spotted on Google Earth! It was only explained later that the lines were the artifact of Google's map making process! These were the paths made by the boats using SONAR to record the sea floor terrain data. Atlantis or no Atlantis, Google was the news maker! Another very impressive application of Google Earth was the toad crossings mapped by Google Earth to avoid the number of toads killed by Motorists in accidents! Thats something that PETA would be in for... Amongst others Google Earth in reality has helped locate pristine forests in Mozambique, a house of a previously unknown species and ancient roman villas.
All said and all done, such discoveries, outages apart from its technology and innovation keep up the prominence of Google amongst people and populations... It keeps the buzz going outside of the internet space as well.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Indian Telecom Story (Part VII):Reduction in Mobile termination charges
As of today TRAI has slashed the MTC charges from 30 paise per minute to 20 paise per minute there by taking the mid road between these two views. The effects of this:
1. Likely reduction in Revenues for the incumbents
2. A more uniform battle ground for new entrants
3. Lowering of the telephone tarriffs for consumers on roaming
4. ARPUs further reducing on account of roaming charges.
Thus to an open market, reduced prices, commoditized products and more competition, here it is: Jaye Ho!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Apple: Software Services as Differentiator

The 25000 apps and 500 million downloads on 23 million devices act as a part of a software strategy, which creates a distinct stickiness for the iPhone and enhances customer loyalty over the long term. It is believed that the Apps personalize the iPhone to levels that competitors cannot match and consumers cannot do without. This creates a huge stickiness between the consumer and the product. A device tailored by him according to his requirements in the one thing that he needs the most and at present Apple does seem to have both the device and software wherewithall to give suffice his need.
While Apps range from free to $999, it is but obvious that the ones in the lower price brackets < $2.99 consitute 80% of the apps and probably will also feature as much in the downloads!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Profiling Facebook: The Google of Social Networking (Part II)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Ascendance of Apple

Timelines, Products and Discontinuities
As stated earlier Apple has launched waves of discontinuity in industries turning tables on the existing rules of the game:
1. Pixar, which Steve Jobs bought from George Lucas in 1986, out innovated the Hollywood mainstream into full length computer animated movie making with its Toy Story in 1995. It redid its success in 1998 Bug's Life, 2001 Monsters Inc, 2003 Finding Nemo, 2004 Incredibles. 2006 Cars. Pixar is sold to Disney in 2006 making Steve Jobs Billions.
2. In 1998, Apple upturned the desk top with its colourful IMac, which became the fastest selling Macintosh ever!
3. In 2001, which is arguably Apple's biggest year till date, it released the iPod, iTunes and OS X operating system. 8 years later, 50% of Apple's revenue come from iPods and iTunes store is the second largest music retailer in the US with 6 billion downloads. It spawns a plethora of attempts by Telecom industry players, notably Nokia and Microsoft to build a Music store, on a somewhat different business model.
4. iPod Nano is released in 2005 and is a huge hit. iPod becomes to music players what Kleenex is to tissue or Xerox is to copiers.
5. iPhone is introduced in 2007. Gets the status of Jesus phone and in one sweep upturns the existing game inthe mobile device industry. Spawns a record number of copy cats.
6. 2008: MacBook Air released, a ultra thin 13 inch wide sleek metal laptop. Apple again triumphs
7. 2008: A faster cheaper and more powerful iPhone 3G debuts and outsells the original by a mile.
Apple has demonstrated how to create real, breathtaking growth by dreaming up products so new and ingenious that they have upended one industry after another: consumer electronics, the record industry, the movie industry, video and music production.Apple's approach is to put every resource it has behind just a few products and make them exceedingly well. Apple is brutal about culling past hits: The company dropped its most popular iPod, the Mini, on the day it introduced the Nano (a better product, higher margins --> why dilute your resources?).
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Examining the case for Nokia Netbooks
Now, the king in the mobile space, Nokia takes the battle to the enemy camp by announcing its foray into netbooks. Olli-Pekka Kallasuvuo mentioned in a recent interview that Nokia was “actively looking” at the laptop market as the cellphone and mobile PC markets get closer and closer to convergence (read article This had created the immediate buzz that it was expected to create around the technology geeks and followers around the world.However, this is more than i-fight-you-at- your-home-while-you-fight-me-at-my-home motive out here (meaning Nokia fights the lap top makers with its entry in that segment, even while Lap top makers try to prey on smartphone space). For starters, Nokia was already the largest computer maker in 2008, if the smartphone population are allowed to be counted in as computers.
An interesting line of thought that has featured in Nokia Conversations (Nokia's informal PR window to the world) is about how "mobile lifestyle" is fusing with "mobile computing" even as internet apps change the mobile phone from a medium of communication to projectors of our selves in the cloud. (Suggest the article as a compulsary read). Essentially, there are three major take outs from the article
1. Mobile devices will have to evolve to more creative usages in networking people.
2. The Cloud will be a platform where people would needto project themselves as a means of communication with others
3. Hence the need for a netbook device!
The article very beautifully explains the device story behind the need to graduate from Mobile Computing to Cloud enabled netbooks. So Nokia's device strategy follows the convergence story as it unravels and transitions from a N 97/ iPhone to netbook!Interesting times, as industries converge and new paradigms emerge. However the question that pops up is, whether Nokia is doing things one too many? Its 2007 - 2008 strategy has revolved around services and even after a while, Ovi is not exactly "there" in terms of consumers, services, applications and stickiness. The opportunities for Nokia's software services would surely outweigh the cost of building a commodity consumer electronics device.
The first reaction to this one is Nokia shouldn't be looking at the netbook space. They've got enough on their plates at the moment, the new devices need attention and promotion, it will confuse the marketing message, there's very little profit in commodity devices...
On the other hand the Netbook can be seen as a natural device extension of the Ovi platform which links up from the consumers to the crowd.
My take on this is Nokia should be looking at its services eco system foremost. Netbooks will seriously not be an differentiator in the age of content and the internet. Investements in the netbook may not be both time, investment and attention consuming for very little returns.